
Purpose of this site:
- Use of short hyperlink or just a single number to store and share any address map. This can be public searchable or privat address that is not searchable.
- No need to describe any address, like "Third right turn then fourth left trun, or left turn after the pharmace, ... etc." as we do now.
- Uploading location photo to make sure you reached the right place.
- Use of Facebook version for easy of access http://apps.facebook.com/xmap-co/.
- Use of Android mobile application, link at main page or here: http://xmap.co/app/xmap.apk to display address maps (Add maps also in the future)
- Ability to dial address contact if available in the mobile application (Under Development)

The site can be used in three ways:
1- Create new X Map.
2- Show an existing X Map.
3- Search X Maps.

1- Create new X map:
- Go to http://xmap.co
- A page with world map will show with a place red marker.

- Move the map red marker to the desired location and
use zoom-in (+) and zoom-out (-) to set your exact desired location.

- Start filling the following information: Map name, City, Check Digit & Public/Private option.
And wither you wish to tweet the address.

- Click "Create X Map".

The location will be saved and the site will generate you a sharing URL (Ex.: "http://xmap.co/32160728")
which you copy and send to anyone you like.

- You can share the XMap number (Ex. "32160728")
or print the number on your business cards

2- Show an existing X Map:
- Anyone can place the X Map hyperlink (Ex.: "http://xmap.co/32160728")
on any browser and then show the linked map.

- You can use the X Map number (Ex."32160728") instead of the full hyperlink.
You just open the X Map site and search the number and the site will display the linked map.

- You can list all available public addresses by clicking the link;

3- Search X Map:
- You can search for public map names already saved in the site with minimum four characters
, like "Park" and the site will list all maps having the searched name.

- Also you can use the Android version and enter the XMap number
then click view to display the map.



© July-2011 by: Abubaker Alattas - مع تحيات ابوبكر العطاس

Send your feedback, comments or report any abuse to - ارسل شكاويك و ملاحظاتك الى
"bkrattas at gmail.com".